






1. When is it permissible to overtake another vehicle on the nearside (left-hand side)?

正确答案: When the vehicle in front is signalling to turn right.

回答正确的比例为 35.714%


2. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: T-junction ahead with roads of equal importance.

回答正确的比例为 36.364%


3. What is the effect of a worn exhaust?

正确答案: The filtering of fumes is reduced and engine noise is louder.

回答正确的比例为 37.405%


4. When wishing to turn right at the end of a one-way street, where should a driver position their vehicle?

正确答案: Drive as close as is possible to the right-hand side of the road.

回答正确的比例为 39.017%


5. What should a driver who wishes to perform a turnabout do?

正确答案: Check ahead and behind for oncoming traffic and turn briskly while still keeping a look out.

回答正确的比例为 43.669%


6. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: No left turn.

回答正确的比例为 44.444%


7. What phrase is recommended for drivers to help them determine a safe distance from the vehicle in front on a dry road?

正确答案: ?Only a fool breaks the two second rule.?

回答正确的比例为 45.094%


8. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: Keep left.

回答正确的比例为 45.169%


9. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: Roundabout ahead.

回答正确的比例为 45.324%


10. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: Maximum speed is 60 km/h.

回答正确的比例为 45.455%


11. When a vehicle is being driven by a person who is not the owner, who is responsible for ensuring that the vehicle is taxed and that a current tax disc is displayed?

正确答案: The driver and/or the owner of the vehicle are responsible.

回答正确的比例为 45.745%


12. In this situation who should wait?


正确答案: The driver behind the stopped van should wait.

回答正确的比例为 46.667%


13. What should a driver do when they see joggers ahead on the left?

正确答案: Check the mirrors, indicate and overtake, allowing them sufficient clearance.

回答正确的比例为 47.619%


14. When driving on a hill, how should a steep descent be negotiated in snow or frosty weather?

正确答案: Engage a lower gear early and use gentle braking applications to keep the speed down.

回答正确的比例为 47.799%


15. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: Uneven surface.

回答正确的比例为 48.98%


16. What should a driver who wishes to perform a U-turn do?

正确答案: Check that the road is not one way.

回答正确的比例为 49.067%


17. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: School children crossing ahead.

回答正确的比例为 49.198%


18. How should a driver overtake the cyclist in this situation?


正确答案: By crossing the broken white line.

回答正确的比例为 49.25%


19. What affect can a faulty exhaust system have?

正确答案: It can increase the vehicle?s noise and pollution levels.

回答正确的比例为 49.406%


20. When driving at night the dipped headlights of a typical car should enable the driver to see for a distance of how many metres?

正确答案: 30 metres.

回答正确的比例为 50%


21. What should a driver do when travelling behind this vehicle?


正确答案: Reduce speed and prepare to stop if necessary.

回答正确的比例为 50%


22. What is the main difference between driving on a motorway and driving on other types of road?

正确答案: Traffic is generally permitted to travel at a higher speed on a motorway.

回答正确的比例为 50%


23. Apart from cyclists and motorised wheelchairs, what other road users may use an unoccupied cycle lane accompanied by a broken white line?

正确答案: All drivers may make temporary use.

回答正确的比例为 50.122%


24. What effect could a front-tyre blow-out have on a vehicle?

正确答案: The steering wheel will pull to one side.

回答正确的比例为 50.388%


25. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: Traffic merging/diverging ahead.

回答正确的比例为 51.036%


26. What should a driver do on the approach to this situation?


正确答案: Reduce speed and stop if necessary.

回答正确的比例为 51.629%


27. What should a driver be aware of when driving at night along a shopping street with many different light sources?


正确答案: Traffic lights may be difficult to distinguish from the other bright lights.

回答正确的比例为 52.328%


28. How should a driver secure their vehicle before getting out of it?

正确答案: Apply the parking brake, stop the engine and engage a low gear.

回答正确的比例为 52.703%


29. In normal driving conditions on a motorway, which lane should the driver occupy?

正确答案: Drive in the nearside (left-hand) lane unless intending to overtake.

回答正确的比例为 52.941%


30. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: Traffic signals ahead.

回答正确的比例为 53.333%


31. What is the quickest way to warn other traffic of a crash?

正确答案: Use hazard lights.

回答正确的比例为 53.518%


32. What should a driver do if they wish to drive across a busy road and the traffic lights which normally control the junction are temporarily out of action?

正确答案: Take good observation, wait for a clear break in the traffic and proceed to cross the road safely.

回答正确的比例为 54.139%


33. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: Parking of vehicles exceeding the weight shown is not allowed.

回答正确的比例为 54.646%


34. What should a driver do after passing through a flooded section of road?

正确答案: Apply the brake pedal lightly at slow speed for a short distance to dry the brakes.

回答正确的比例为 55.714%


35. According to the Pre-Crash Report, in how many fatal collisions was alcohol a contributory factor?

正确答案: Between 31 to 45 %

回答正确的比例为 55.838%


36. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: T-junction ahead with a road of major importance.

回答正确的比例为 56.171%


37. What should a driver do when suddenly confronted by a hazard on the road?

正确答案: Decelerate and apply the footbrake firmly.

回答正确的比例为 56.335%


38. What should a driver do before starting a journey in adverse weather conditions?

正确答案: Check the weather forecast for the planned route.

回答正确的比例为 56.378%


39. How does rain affect driving in this situation?


正确答案: It increases the danger of skidding.

回答正确的比例为 56.959%


40. What does this sign mean when displayed on the approach to a toll plaza?


正确答案: Coin basket in this lane.

回答正确的比例为 57.431%


41. Why is tailgating (driving too close behind the vehicle in front) dangerous?

正确答案: The vehicle will not have sufficient distance to stop safely in an emergency.

回答正确的比例为 57.606%


42. The driver intends to turn left at this junction – what should the driver do?


正确答案: Allow the cyclist to continue before turning left.

回答正确的比例为 57.843%


43. What does this sign mean when displayed on the approach to a toll plaza?


正确答案: Electronic toll accepted in any lane.

回答正确的比例为 58.019%


44. What should a driver do when requested to drive a vehicle that they feel is overloaded?

正确答案: Refuse to drive the vehicle.

回答正确的比例为 58.177%


45. What does this sign mean?


正确答案: Crossroads with dual carriageway ahead.

回答正确的比例为 58.333%


46. What do these signs together mean?


正确答案: Pedestrianised street ahead – traffic not allowed except during times shown.

回答正确的比例为 58.442%


47. What is the immediate effect of a head-on collision between two cars at speed?

正确答案: All persons in each vehicle are thrown violently forward.

回答正确的比例为 58.578%


48. Where are the blind spots that a driver needs to be aware of when towing a loaded trailer?

正确答案: The area to the side and rear of the vehicle and the trailer that the driver cannot see.

回答正确的比例为 59.5%


49. On a 2-lane motorway, what procedure should a driver adopt when wishing to overtake another vehicle safely?

正确答案: Use their mirrors, signal and overtake in the right-hand lane when it is safe to do so.

回答正确的比例为 59.536%


50. When meeting an oncoming vehicle at night, what should a driver do?

正确答案: Avoid looking directly at the oncoming vehicle?s lights.

回答正确的比例为 59.831%