意大利音乐家Zar Acoustic将献艺2023“世界因爱而生”全球春节联欢晚会


Europe-china Cultural and Artistic Exchange and Cooperation Association, Italian musician Zar Acoustic,Will perform the 2023 The Third “A World Born of Love” Global Spring Festival Gala.

欧洲-中国文化艺术交流与合作研究会,意大利音乐家Zar Acoustic将献艺2023年第三届“世界因爱而生”全球春节联欢晚会 。

My name is Alessandro Zangrando, I‘m 27 year old, ‘Zar Acoustic’ is My stage name, and I am a professional musician from Rome, Italy. I started learning music at the age of 12, when my grandfather gifted me a classical guitar. From there, my musical journey began and I started taking music classes at the ‘International School of Music’ in Rome with the maestro and head of the school Bruno Continenza.


After a year studying classic guitar, I moved to the electric guitar with Leonardo Porcheddu, teacher, maestro and a unique virtuoso guitar player.
I pursued my musical studies in school until I moved to Ireland in 2014.

While learning English and working as a pizza chef to sustain myself for the first year, the local music scene inspired me to buy an acoustic guitar that turned out to become my main instrument since then.



Music became my main source of income after quitting my daily job and that forced me to believe in what I was going to do. I started busking on the street and from there I met many artists and people who connected me to other people and I started playing in pubs, markets, weddings and venues.



与爱尔兰传奇音乐家Jimmy MacCarthy及夫人陈秋梅在一起

In the years, I’ve been exploring non-traditional fingerstyle techniques and alternate tunings on the acoustic guitar, mixed with singing and didgeridoo beats. My musical journey is driven by the curiosity to see how far the guitar can be taken as well as all the other instruments I play, pushing its boundaries. At the moment, I’m working on new original compositions for my solo project ‘Zar Acoustic’ in parallel with recording live session performances filmed by the talented filmmaker Kristian Mantalvanos.

这些年来,我一直在探索非传统的手指关节拍打风格技术,以及混合了唱歌和迪吉里杜管节拍的原声吉他的交替调音。我的音乐之旅是由好奇心驱动的,我想知道吉他和我演奏的所有其他乐器能走多远,挑战它的边界。目前,我正在为我的个人项目“Zar Acoustic”创作新的原创作品,同时录制由才华横溢的电影人Kristian Mantalvanos拍摄的现场表演。


与爱尔兰传奇音乐家Jimmy MacCarthy及夫人陈秋梅在一起

My active Projects:

Headtrip Acoustic Project, is a trio consisting of two acoustic guitars, one cajon and various percussive elements.

Spawned out of busking in the streets of Dublin, It all started when guitarist and vocalist Alessandro Zangrando (aka Zar Acoustic) and guitarist Giovanni Agostini met for the first time while playing in the busy alleys of the Irish capital. The two guitar enthusiasts had a natural curiosity to discover what could happen if they mixed their main styles: Lap Tapping & Fingerstyle… As a result, their first jam session together brought up this EP's first song, “The Rising”.



起源于都柏林街头的街头卖艺,这一切都始于吉他手兼歌手Alessandro Zangrando(又名Zar Acoustic)和吉他手Giovanni Agostini在爱尔兰首都繁忙的街道演奏时的第一次相遇。这两个吉他爱好者天生就有一种好奇心,想知道如果把他们的主要风格混合在一起会发生什么:Lap tap Fingerstyle.结果,他们的第一次即兴演出就带来了这张EP的第一首歌曲《The Rising》。


与爱尔兰传奇音乐家Jimmy MacCarthy及夫人陈秋梅在一起

Counter Intelligence, half Irish / half Italian, based in Dublin Ireland. They first got together in early 2017 when fellow Italians Major and Zar started working on preexisting material and shortly after they were joined by Irish cousins Mountain and Phantasm who helped gel the group into the musical tour de force they are today. With songs coming randomly from the Ether, they Pump out tune after tune in Rehearsals with great alacrity.

反情报乐队,是爱尔兰和意大利文化的创意组合,总部在爱尔兰都柏林。我们第一次聚在一起是在 2017 年初,当时和我的意大利同胞 Major 开始研究已有的设计,不久之后我们的爱尔兰表兄弟 Mountain 和 Phantasm 也加入到我们的行列,他们帮助乐队凝聚成今天的音乐巡回演出。随着歌曲从以太中随机传来,他们非常敏捷地在排练中调出完美的和谐之声。


Describing themselves as a TRANSVERSAL ROCK ENSEMBLE, with influences ranging from Rock, Metal, Ska, Punk, Electro and even to Pop, They are Inspired by everything they have ever heard collectively and love to Harmonize voices and Instruments with a nod to those influences. Standing on the shoulders of Musical Greats Like Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, TOOL, NIN, Radiohead and many many others.

我们将自己描述为一个跨摇滚乐团,受摇滚、金属、斯卡、朋克、电子甚至流行音乐的影响,灵感来自于自己曾经听到的所有东西。站在音乐大师的肩膀上,像平克·弗洛伊德,齐柏林飞艇,TOOL, NIN,电台司令等很多很多人。我喜欢在他们的影响下协调声音和乐器。

Collaboration with Sean McIlraith, irish aerial dancer. We collaborated on an aerial project mixing music with body movements (floorwork) and silks. It’s still a work in progress, inspired by the concept of air and the irish wilderness beauty.



‘Voices’, is an integrated dance work inspired by inclusivity, identity and individuality. It was presented at Dance Live Festival in Aberdeen, Scotland in Oct 2022. Also featured are the voices of 6 local D15 community dancers who joined the team during the research and development week and helped to shape the foundations of this new work.
