西娜·泰尔是一位出生于德国、主要在爱尔兰活动的多乐器演奏家、创作歌手,并在美国凯尔特人听众支持的音乐奖中获得 “最热门的爱尔兰乡村音乐表演(女性)奖”和 “2022年度新星奖”。她在7岁时开始弹钢琴和创作她的第一首歌曲。
Sina Theil is a German born, Irish based multi-instrumentalist, singer-songwriter and winner of the “Hottest Act in Irish Country Music (female)” award and “Rising Star of the Year 2022″ at the American Celtic Listener Supported Music Awards. She started playing piano and composing her first songs at age of 7.
In 2015 in an act of blind faith she moved to Ireland by herself to pursue her dream of making music. With all odds against her, not knowing anyone or even having social media, she started funding her musical education through busking on the streets of Dublin; sometimes making just enough in the morning to cover bills that had to be paid in the afternoon.
在街头表演的Sina Theil与会长陈秋梅女士
快进到今天,西娜的努力和奉献已经为她的社交媒体平台赢得了大约5万名粉丝。她刚刚庆祝了她在爱尔兰下载排行榜上的第16个冠军,她独立发行的爱尔兰民谣专辑 “ Live at THT Galway ”使她在爱尔兰主要排行榜上获得了第3名,超过了全球超级巨星Ed Sheeran。她的歌曲已经被3200万爱尔兰电台听众听到,在爱尔兰岛上有近15000次电台播放,她的音乐视频在Youtube上有近50万次观看。她被同行和追随者描述为一个精力充沛、充满激情的表演者,同时也是一个勤奋、专注和热爱生活的人。
Fast forward to the present day, Sina’s hard work and dedication have earned her approx. 50,000 followers across her social media platforms. She has just celebrated her sixteenth no. 1 in the Irish Download Charts and her independently released Irish folk album “Live at THT Galway” scored her a no.3 in the main Irish Charts ahead of global superstars to the likes of Ed Sheeran. Her songs have been heard by 32 million Irish radio listeners with close to 15,000 radio plays on the Island of Ireland and the videos of her music have stacked up close to 500,000 views on Youtube. She is described by peers and followers as an energetic and passionate performer, as well as a hard-working, dedicated and fun-loving person.
西娜的音乐事业正在蓬勃发展。凭借她的最新专辑 “Live at THT Galway”(在她忠实的网络粉丝的帮助下,她在3周内众筹了16,000欧元),她还出现在非常著名的《爱尔兰音乐杂志》的封面上,这份刊物记录了爱尔兰音乐20多年的历史,在爱尔兰所有主要的报刊亭都有销售;她被邀请参加爱尔兰领先的乡村音乐电视节目 “Opry Le Daniel”;她的 “THT高威现场 “音乐会将在2022年圣诞节期间在爱尔兰国家电视台播出。
Sina’s music career is flourishing. With her latest album “Live at THT Galway” (for which she crowdfunded €16,000 in 3 weeks with the help of her loyal online following), she also appeared on the front cover of the very prestigious Irish Music Magazine, a publication that has chronicled Irish music for over 20 years and is sold at all major Irish newsagents. She was invited to Ireland’s leading Country Music TV show Opry Le Daniel, and her “Live at THT Galway” concert will be broadcast on Irish national TV at Christmas time 2022.
COVID-19 lockdown and its subsequent aftermath has been a very productive time for Sina and a few of her further accomplishments in the last two years include:
📌 在她的第一个爱尔兰美国音乐节:第44届东达勒姆爱尔兰音乐节上表演,获得很多好评。Performing her 1st Irish American Music Festival: the 44th annual East Durham Irish Festival (virtual) to much critical acclaim.
📌 在爱尔兰历史最悠久的音乐电视节目之一Opry Le Daniel 的节目中演出(2022年11月)。Featuring on Opry Le Daniel, one of Ireland’s longest running music TV Shows (November 2022).
📌 从2023年1月开始,与爱尔兰新晋民谣明星Dan McCabe一起获得40天的全国巡演嘉宾席位,包括都柏林国家体育场和INEC基拉尼等场地。Scoring a 40 date national tour guest slot with Ireland’s rising folk star Dan McCabe, including venues such as Dublin National Stadium and the INEC Killarney, starting January 2023.
📌 成为爱尔兰领先的名人杂志《RSVP》(Country)的封面人物。Featuring on the cover of Ireland’s leading celebrity magazine RSVP (Country).
📌 赢得了两个爱尔兰音乐奖和一个国际音乐奖。获得 “爱尔兰乡村音乐最受欢迎的歌手”;单曲《Good to be Back Home》获得“年度最佳歌曲”。获得美国凯尔特人听众支持的音乐奖的“2022年度新星”。Winning two Irish music awards: “Hottest Act in Irish Country Music” and “Song of the Year” for the single “Good to be Back Home”. And “Rising Star of the Year 2022″ at the American Celtic Listener Supported Music Awards.
📌 将DVD “Live at THT Galway” 授权给爱尔兰国家语言电视频道TG4,播出日期为2023年1月初。Licensing her DVD “Live at THT Galway” to the national Irish language TV channel TG4, with broadcast date in early January 2023.
📌 在Spotlight TV的 “Fresh Country”节目中展示一个自编的部分(可能达到约1000-1200万观众)并主持她自己的广播节目。Presenting a self-scripted segment on the “Fresh Country” show on Spotlight TV (potential reach approx. 10-12 million viewers) and hosting her own radio show.
📌 为凯尔特人俱乐部基金会慈善圣诞呼吁2021年筹集超过3000欧元。Raising over €3,000 for the Celtic FC Foundation charity Christmas Appeal 2021.
欧洲中国文化艺术交流与合作研究会和中外国际家庭联谊会是在爱尔兰政府正式注册的中立性公益机构,旨在为欧洲和中国之间文化艺术交流搭建一座多维度多元化的桥梁。由欧洲著名音乐家Jimmy MacCarthy和爱尔兰华侨陈秋梅Annie(夫妇)创建,由欧洲和中国的一些文化名人,知名艺术家及相关文化艺术单位组成。欧洲中国文化艺术研究会总部在爱尔兰,欧洲和中国多地均设有分部。
Europe-China Culture& Art Exchange Research Association and Chinese and Foreign family association are neutral public welfare organizations officially registered with the Irish government. The aim is to build a multi-dimensional and diversified bridge for cultural and artistic exchanges between Europe and China. The organisations were founded by the famous European musician Jimmy MacCarthy and overseas Chinese Chen Qiumei (couple), and include a number of European and Chinese cultural figures, renowned artists and related cultural and artistic institutions. The organisitions are based in Ireland, with branches in Europe and China.
会长陈秋梅与荣誉会长Jimmy MacCarthy

原文始发于微信公众号(中外文化艺术交流):「世界因爱而生 2023」演出嘉宾:音乐新星 Sina Theil