
最新消息:2024年6 月 19 日,《就业许可法》在众议院通过了最后阶段,目前正等待总统签署成为法律, 该法案将赋予所有就业许可持有人无需更新工作许可便可自由变更雇主的权利。 新法案将有更多工作许可政策变化调整细节,请耐心等待立法最后阶段。 

June 19th, the Employment Permits Bill passed its final stage in the Dáil and is now headed to be signed into law by the President.The bill will grant all employment permit holders the right to change employers without needing a new permit. 

消息来源: Migrant Rights Centre Ireland (MRCI) – https://www.mrci.ie/2024/06/19/employment-permits-bill-to-pass-today/

