Fighting against COVID-19 hands in hands

The rapid spread of COVID-19 has posed a serious threat to the public health of Irish people. The Chinese government and Chinese people are actively assisting Ireland in its fight against the pandemic.
Fighting against COVID-19 hands in hands
With the Chinese side’s collaboration, the Irish government has purchased large quantities of surgical masks, hazmat suits, respirators and other medical supplies from Chinese companies such as CR Pharmaceutical Group. The first shipment has arrived in Dublin today.
Fighting against COVID-19 hands in hands
Medical supplies donated by Huawei, Bank of China, Alibaba Group, Jack Ma Foundation and other Chinese enterprises and organizations continue to arrive one after another. 
Fighting against COVID-19 hands in hands
The Chinese community in Ireland has been mobilized to provide help as well. Some of them ordered medical supplies from China for donation to HSE and Irish hospitals. Some offer free delivery of related materials. Many of them organize online fund-raising to purchase protective supplies for front-line health care workers.
Fighting against COVID-19 hands in hands

原文始发于微信公众号(中国驻爱尔兰大使馆):Fighting against COVID-19 hands in hands